Guarrazar is a pivotal archaeological site related to the history of the Visigothic Kingdom of Toledo. Remains of large buildings that were part of a monastic and palatial complex linked to Visigothic Kings are now being discovered.

Together with the archaeologists, you can visit the excavations and their discoveries, in addition to learning about the enthralling history surrounding the famous Treasure of Guarrazar.




The territory of Guarrazar

Through its geography and history, you can discover the value of the land on which the archaeological site of Guarrazar stands.

Guarrazar and its Treasure

An entirely coincidental discovery that helps us to understand the value of the land where it is located.

Archaeological site restoration

The upgrading of the archaeological site aims mainly to enhance the study and preservation of archaeological remains and the environment where these are located.


Excavations performed on the site of Guarrazar are carried out in three sectors, each one
with remains of different structures and varying levels of importance.


The various buildings discovered at the excavations sites allow us to date them and their possible uses.


Site visit

This activity is certainly the greatest source of knowledge and experience for students. It gives them occasion to appreciate the richness of the archaeological heritage in the area, while allowing them to discover the history.

Guarrazar Archaeological (Archaeodrome) Workshop

This workshop recreates an archaeological excavation on a small scale (30 m2) for the purpose of enabling students to experience a professional archaelogistʼs job. It includes; the excavation itself, sheet drafting on a basic level, collection of archaeological remains, ... as well as the opportunity to reflect on the passage of time and the succession of cultures in the broadest sense

Guarrazar Archaeological laboratory (archaeolab) Workshop

This workshop allows that students to get a greater insight into the activities carried out by professional archaeologists based on the varied information provided by excavation. For instance; cleaning and classification of the extracted archaeological materials such as ceramics, bones, stones, ... Draw each one manually. A basic interpretation of the plans outlined during excavation, certain materialsʼ features and their cultural assignment, ...

The Life in Guarrazar pond Workshop

The main objective of this workshop is for students to understand the most representative animals which inhabits the pond, in addition to the spring that waters it and its existing plants.

Guarrazar Gymkhana

This is designed to encourage co-operative values where at the same time as gymkhana ,participants will reinforce their learning about the archaeological site. Therefore, students will be split into groups that will compete against each other to show the best acquired knowledge before a jury at the end of the tour; it will demonstrate their depth of understanding, cooperation and communication skills.